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Minister criticises the handling of bird flu scare


ANA Pastor, the Partido Popular's executive secretary of social policy, said in Palma yesterday that Spain was “not in the best hands” to tackle bird flu and she called on the central government to take the same steps as other European countries to combat a possible pandemic. She was speaking at the closing ceremony of the Forum for Dependents, in which she recommended all those present to receive the common flu jab.
She complained that the government had not contacted the PP to analyse the situation.
Balearic health minister Aina Castillo, for her part, ruled out “extraordinary circumstances” which lead to the belief that the Balearics was in danger of registering cases of bird flu. However, she questioned the number of vaccines purchased by the central health ministry to prevent the propagation of bird flu. She pointed out that other European governments had stockpiled bird flu jabs for 20 per cent of the population, while Spain had done so for only five per cent. This is a situation, she said, which “should give rise to reflection.” She added that the central ministry had acquired two million anti-viral treatments which will be distributed among the regions in accordance with their population. In the meantime, members of the Balearic government, including leader Jaume Matas, set an example by receiving the common flu jab yesterday.

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