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Councils to be given powers to act on binge drinking

THE Balearic Government is to force councils “to prevent or limit” the binge drinking sessions known as “botellons”.
The Government will do this via a new integrated licencing law, approved by the Balearic Parliament last week.
The text of the law, drafted by the Balearic Ministry of the Interior, urges councils to act on the “meetings of large numbers of people drinking alcohol on the public roads or other areas with a large amount of traffic, or in green areas”.

The law says they must act when these large groups of people “impede or make it difficult for the traffic to flow properly or are walking around these areas disturbing the peace”.

The Balearic Government is establishing, with this law, an obligation for the councils to act, and making it easier for them to intervene.
It must be taken into account that these types of meetings, which normally take place at night on weekends, specifically for the consumption of alcohol, are becoming more popular, taking up public spaces but never having any type of permit or regulator for the activity because of their spontaneity.

It is becoming a problem for the entire country, and the number of “botellons” has increased considerably lately, especially on the Paseo Maritimo in Palma, and also outside of Palma. The problems brought by these “celebrations” (noise, rubbish, occupation of the public road and impediment to traffic) have brought to light the difficulties of their regulation and control. Palma council has started various initiatives due to the great controversy surrounding the amount of people attending “botellons”.

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