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Annual pilgrimage to the Binissalem Wine Festival

Palma.—The East Coast ex-pats migrated on Sunday on their annual pilgrimage to Binissalem Wine Festival.
After stopping for a superb meal at “Ca's Metge Monjo” in Maria del Salut where they dined in the wonderful garden, enjoying the excellent cuisine, the coach took them on to the festival where the truly remarkable range of local wines were sampled.

The Macia Batle wine stall made them particularly welcome and they were all treated to a rather superior 2004 crianza.
A retreat from the delights of the wine stalls was followed by an hour or more in the village square where traditional Majorcan dancing echoed the centuries-old customs of this lovely island.

The trip, organised by Porto's Wine Bar was the eighth annual visit to Binissalem, Next year is already under discussion!

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