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Treated water to be used for Son Servera´s golf courses

TREATED water from the sewage farm will be used to water up to 180 hectares in Son Servera, including two golf courses (Costa de los Pinos and Pula), two large farms (Son Jordi and Es Rafalet) and small plots of land, thanks to an 8.4 million euro project launched by the Balearic ministry of agriculture. The ambitious project will lead to considerable financial savings for the residents of Son Servera, and will also help the environment, as up to now, the treated water has been lost at sea. Plans to provide the sewage farm with facilities for tertiary treatment, necessary before the water can be used for irrigation purposes, have been posted for public inspection and should be ready for approval before the end of the year. Mayor Damia Ripoll of the Partido Popular (PP) welcomed the project, saying that people had been demanding it for some time.
He also stressed that it would help save the municipality's water resources.

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