Palma.Palma airport had the highest number of passengers in the country arriving or departing with low cost airlines last month, Central Government figures confirmed yesterday.
The 945'720 travellers passing through Palma airport in August represented an increase of 13.8 percent in the number of users in comparison with the same month in 2010, the Tourism ministry said.
Palma airport was also ranked as number one for low cost visitors to Spain after the ministry revealed that 4.5 million passengers came between January and August this year, an upturn of 11.7% when compared to the first 8 months of 2010.
There was also, said the ministry, a year-on-year 4.5% increase in the number of passengers using traditional airlines in Palma last month.
In terms of the first eight months of this year, there was an upturn of 8.5 percent in the number of passengers using traditional airlines in comparison with the same period in 2010.
British and German low cost airlines are the companies which most use Palma airport, comprising 36.5 and 19.9% of the total passenger volume respectively. Fears were raised recently when German lowe cost airline Air Berlin said that it would have to cut its flight frequency but it has since confirmed an ongoing winter timetable serving the Balearics.