In May 1971, Yoko Ono and John Lennon hired a detective to keep a watch over the daughter that artist Ono had borne to her previous husband, Anthony Cox. The girl, Kyoko, was then on holiday in Majorca with her father. In order to formalise the contract, the couple signed a document in Palma which specified the nature of the dealings between themselves and the detective. This paper will be the star item of an auction which will be held this coming Sunday as part of Majorca's 5th Record Fair. The story began on 19 April 1971 when John Lennon and Yoko Ono landed on the Island having come from Paris with the clear mission of finding Kyoko.
Joan Carles Vilella, an organiser of the Record Fair explained the couple knew that the girl was in Cales de Mallorca with her father, a known location for courses in transcendental meditation given by the Maharishi. Four days later, Lennon and Ono were walking through the area and spotted Kyoko playing in a children's park. Yoko Ono caught hold of her daughter and then the chase began. As soon as Cox realised that Kyoko was missing, he reported it to the Guardia Civil said Vilella. A few hours later, officers of the criminal investigation brigade turned up at the Hotel Melia Mallorca where Lennon and Ono had registered. The couple were asked to assist the police with their enquiries and Lennon later entered their offices holding Kyoko in his arms. It was at that point that a photographer of the Baleares newspaper snapped this photo conserved to this day. Legal authorities eventually returned the girl to her father and Lennon and Ono visited Majorca a month later where they held an amicable meeting with Cox. Why did they decide to hire a detective after the event? It remains an unanswered question.
John Lennon and Yoko Ono feature in star auction item