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Criticism mounts over Palma's building works

RESIDENTS in Palma are becoming increasingly unhappy over the effect that building work is having on daily life in the city, and are starting to voice their complaints.

It appears that digging up the edges of the Avenidas and closing one of the traffic lanes altogether in favour of bicycles has been the straw that has broken the camel's back for many residents. Some residents are saying that the traffic queues and delays caused by work along the stretch of the Avenidas by Comte de Sallent are unprecedented. People are also concerned that things are going to get worse if the Palma tram project, planned to run from the Avenidas out to the airport, finally goes ahead because that will eat into another two traffic lanes. Apart from drivers having to get used to longer journey times due to building hold-ups, they are also having to learn to cope with the Local Police fining them if they invade the areas set aside for exclusive use by public transport. Apart from the bicycle lane project, Palma has also been converted into a major building site as a result of the improvement works being financed by a Central Government aid package.

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