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Residents raise alarm about spread of street-drinking parties


RESIDENTS in the west Palma neighbourhood of Son Armadans have voiced concern over the increase in the number of street drinking parties (botellón) that are being held in the area.

Local people had feared that once tougher measures introduced by Palma City Council to tackle the botellón so adversely affecting local businesses on the Paseo Maritimo came into effect, that revellers would simply up camp and move to another area.

Tomeu Berga, the President of the Son Armadans Neighbourhood Association said yesterday that it looked as though his members fears were becoming justified. “We've always had the problem of the botellón on our doorstep to a lesser degree,” he explained “but over the past few months, it's becoming much more noticeable.” Increasingly, said Berga, there are cars parked haphazardly in the streets with windows down and young people drinking into the early hours of the morning.” But Son Armadans is not the only area to get the “overspill” from the botellon that has been moved on from the Paseo Maritimo. Apparently Calle Pilar Juncosa, Almirall Gravina and the zones around Gomila are similarly suffering.

The residents in Son Armadans are to lodge an official complaint against the City Council.

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