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16 arrested across the island for drugs

Palma.—Specialist Guardia Civl and narcotics units swooped on a series of properties across the island yesterday morning as part of a major anti-drugs operation.

The green light was given at 8.30am and five properties were simultaneously stormed and searched in sa Bonanova - Palma - , Cala Millor, Son Servera and Manacor.

Over 50 special officers were involved in the operation and at going to press, a total of 16 people had been arrested but security sources were not ruling out further arrests over the coming days because the operation was very much still open.

Two of the largest hauls of illegal substances were in Son Servera and Cala Millor.
The bulk of the drugs was cocaine but according to sources close to the carefully planned operation, a wide variety of other substances was also seized.

At one property, officers were confronted by a vicious pit bull which had to be caught and removed by trained dog handlers.
According to the security services, the island-wide gang was being led by a 19-year-old Colombian and was apparently shifting at least half a kilo of cocaine every ten days. Apparently, it was neighbours of some of the raided houses which first alerted the police.

The behaviour of the young occupants and the expensive luxury cars they drove prompted some residents to contact the police and the security services in turn began following up the leads and opened a full investigation.

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