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Socialist outcry at unemployed figures in Inca

Staff Reporter

AFTER the release of figures showing that for the second year running, Inca is the district of the Balearic Islands where unemployment has grown the most - at a rate of 3.7 percent - the Socialist group in Opposition on the town council has accused the ruling Partido Party of “not doing enough” to address the decline and demanded a round table cross party working group should tackle the threat head on.

The Socialists said that an all-round “re-think” was needed to come up with fresh ideas on how lack of job opportunities in the town can be staved off with new initiatives. The Socialists said that their accusations come after an analysis of the current economic situation and assert that the Partido Popular led by mayor Pere Rotger have shown scant evidence of “wanting to get involved and come up with alternatives.” They say that the current unemployment rates are less to do with an economic slump but rather of poor planning shown by the ruling Partido Popular.

“There's been no incentive for new companies to get up and running and (the town council has shown) little interest in terms of economic support for the ones which are already in operation in Inca,” said a spokesman for the Opposition adding that the unemployment rate has not been so worrying since 1997.

The Socialists suggested that the Partido Popular had not made proper use of funding set aside during its previous term of office to boost local business. “Proof of it,” said the spokesman, “is that not one metre of land for industry has been created over the last 13 years.”

The Opposition are eager to draw together representatives from unions, business syndicates, trading organisations and all of Inca's political parties for an assault on the job slump.

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