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More foreigners paying Social Security


AN average of 98'726 foreigners paid Social Security contributions during the month of July on the Balearics, some 10.5 percent more than in the previous month (9'400 more), according to figures released yesterday by the Spanish Ministry for Work and Social Affairs.

By sectors, catering was the main sector for foreign employees, having 39.52 percent of those contracted to pay Social Security contributions, with 30'277 contributors, of which 15'394 came from countries outside the European Union and 14'883 from EU countries.

The construction sector in July kept its place as the second sector employing most foreign workers, having 19.6 percent of those affiliated, with 15'061 contributors, of which the great majority (12'227) came from countries outside the EU and just 2'834 from EU countries.

Of the total number of foreigners paying Social Security contributions in the Balearics on July 31 (97'766), 52'953 came from countries outside of the EU. The number of foreign contributors in July who came from EU countries was 44'813.

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