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Lucky escape for crew of blazing motor launch


A 20-metre motor launch with three men on board sank 10 miles off the coast of Soller yesterday following a fierce blaze - none of the men were injured .

The accident took place shortly after 9am when the three crew, all aged in their fities, were cruising 10 miles northeast of the Soller coastline. The fire spread quickly after it started, leaving the occupants of the boat little choice but to abandon ship and await help from the Maritime Rescue services using rapid response launches.

The fishing vessel Son Servera based in Soller was the first vessel to answer the distress call. At the time of the blaze, Damia Garau, its captain, was out fishing for lobster just like any other day. From his position some five miles out to sea from Soller, he was able to see a column of smoke rising on the horizon.

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