AN appeal was made yesterday for people not to abandon their pets at holiday times, as this causes major problems for the authorities, who have to locate them and take care of them. The plea was made yesterday by environment minister Jaume Font, who said that in case people feel the need to get rid of their pets, for whatever reason then they are advised to contact COFIB (Consortium for the Collection of Fauna in the Balearic Islands). There is a special hotline for COFIB, open 24 hours a day and all year, which residents can use to get in touch with the experts who will be in charge of removing the unwanted animal, he added.
He was speaking at the presentation of COFIB's annual report, accompanied by the director general of protected species.
Since it was founded in February 2004, COFIB has collected a total of 3'274 exotic and wild animals.
Most of the wild animals were native breeds which had been injured.
The Consortium travelled 60'000 kilometres to collect animals between 2004 and 2005 and carried out 45 operations, 389 post mortems and 91 X-rays.
The group also collected 12 illegal exotic animals (lacking official papers), and sent 25 complaints to the Nature Protection Service (Seprona), which forms part of the Guardia Civil. The group was set up under an agreement between the environment ministry and the Natura Parc Foundation to rescue injured wild animals and run breeding in captivity programmes. Font thanked civic minded people who phoned Natura Parc Foundation to inform about wild animals which they found injured, and asked them to keep up this spirit of solidarity.