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Another heatwave is due to hit the Balearics

THE Civil Protection and Emergency Department issued a weather warning to the Balearic Islands regarding another heatwave, which is forecast. dHigh temperatures have been forecast to hit the islands, with every indication that night temperatures will not fall below 23 degrees, making it uncomfortable for residents and tourists alike. In addition, the Civil Protection and Emergency Department have issued weather warnings to eight other Spanish regions, due to extreme temperatures, storms, gale-force winds and rain. Including the Balearic Islands, five regions have been issued a warning on the extreme temperatures; Asturias, Cantabria, Basque region and Andalucia.
Storms have been forecast to hit the following Spanish areas; Castilla La Mancha, Valencia, Murcia and Aragon.
The Civil Protection board has once again highlighted the need to take precautions during the extreme hot weather conditions, particularly the most vulnerable sectors of the population (elderly, children and the ill). The Board stressed the need to conserve water resources and to help prevent forest fires, as the high temperatures will only make these situations more difficult to control. Many electricity suppliers in the Balearic Islands and Spain have been warned that there may be a surge in electricity demand when the heatwave turns up the thermometer. People will be rushing to their air conditioning units and will most likely keep them running during the entire day, warns the department.

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