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Parking problems for vehicle hire companies

JOSÉ MARÍA BLAY, president of the Association of Vehicle Hire Companies (Transcar), yesterday criticized the closure of land which had been used for parking fleets of vehicles for hire by a company known as Centauro (a member of Transcar). Blay called for more land be made available for industrial use on Majorca.
Blay recognized that the Palma city council was “abiding by the Law” with the closure of Centauro's installations, to date located on the rural land of Son Fangos. He insisted however, that if the authorities were going to prevent use of rural land by members of his organization, then they should treat all other car hire associations in the same manner. He was making reference to companies belonging to ”Aevab”, another organization representing car hire companies. Fiercely competitive, Transcar and Aevab have brought legal proceedings against one another for not having appropriate operating licences. Similarly, the president of Transcar asked for more land to be set aside for industrial trading on Majorca so that vehicle hire companies could hire such land for their fleets at a reasonable price. Centauro is the ninth company of the eleven which are affiliated to Transcar whose installations have been closed by the Palma council owing to their illegal usage of land classed as “rural”. Blay insisted that the solution is to be found in the continued use of the grounds at Son Fangos for the storage of hire vehicles. The president of Transcar proposed reducing the level of the land by one and a half metres in order to lessen the visual impact of the parking lot and to put in place some canvas shelters.

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