Palma. Since balnearios five and six were declared intervention zones by local authorities, two policemen and an interpreter have been patrolling the area every night between 10pm and 1am informing tourists that outdoor drinking is no longer allowed. The measure seems to be working and the Council announced this week that binge drinking, although not yet eradicated has been reduced by 90%.
According to the police, the amount of tourits gathering every night to drink between the streets of Missio de San Diego and Trovadores went down from 3'000 to 300, less than a week after the campaign was launched, although last weekend some 800 tourists were spotted partying, making the most of it when the police were forced to attend other matters elsewhere on the island and were unable to send their usual patrol team.Palma councillor Joan Reus said this decrease has helped diminish the cleaning and security problems in the area.
The problem is that tourists have now started to drink in balneario's one and four. Reus says this is not a problem yet as long as groups remain fairly small. Instead of 3'000 tourists squeezed in between just two balnearios, the sight of 300 spread over four is acceptable.
The councillor added that there are no plans to extend the intervention zone to other balnearios for now and expressed his satisfaction for the fact that parties have not yet reached the beach, where drinking is still legal.
Reus praised the intervention team for their work so far stressing that even though there are no plans to extend the intervention zones, plans can change should the situation worsen.