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Joaquin Cortes spectacular at Palma's bullring


FLAMENCO dancer Joaquin Cortes is appearing this coming Saturday at the bullring in Palma, in a musical spectacular which has taken five continents by storm entitled “Mi Soledad” - focusing on the artist's struggle with his own loneliness.

At a Press conference yesterday, Cortes explained that the show was first staged in Mexico and has appeared at international venues over a three-year period to rapturous applause. “It's a celebration of the gypsy soul,” said the dancer, saying of “Mi Soledad” that it invites the audience to take a glimpse at his art through a palette of flamenco colours. Cortes confirmed that he dances alone in the performance, accompanied by 16 musicians who play live on each occasion. They are made up of a string quartet, two flamenco guitars, an electric bass guitar, three percussionists who use a mesmerising variety of instruments including Moroccan tambourines, and six vocalists - three males and three females. “The original music was created by Jose and Antonio Carbonell in collaboration with me,” said Cortes. “For me, music is the same as my soul,” he added.

The dancer confirmed that the spectacular is in two parts: “The first speaks of loneliness in which a man attempts to reflect on his state of mind through a single room stage set, a dark confined backdrop where he confronts his fears, loves and insecurities. The second, however, consists of a gypsy festival.” He explained that “Mi Soledad,” lasting approximately two hours without an interval, also alludes to a play on words as the work also means “Mi Soleá,” a technical reference to the rhythm of flamenco dancing. The stage scenery is “pure and simple”, said Cortes as the “spectacular” part of the performance lies in the music and dancing. “I don't dress up in anything fancy,” - the whole show takes place in the intense space of a “black box”.

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