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Moment of truth, Bauza calls for a rescue package

Palma.—Bauza is meeting Finance Minister Elena Salgado today to get Central Government money to pay Balearic debts.
The President claimed that his ruling Partido Popular government, newly appointed to power after a victory in the local election in May this year, wants to be able to pay its suppliers, some of whom have gone for months without invoices being settled.

Bauza also wants the Minister to agree to new lines of credit which will enable regional businesses to get up and running again.
The President has already held a first co-ordination meeting with the President of the Council of Majorca, Maria Salom and the Mayor of Palma Mateo Isern to determine just what funding and strategy is required.

Bauza said yesterday that he and his team are now at a stage where they want Salgado to approve their financial solution for the Balearics. “We are not just making proposals,” Bauza claimed. “We want Central Government to confirm it will go along with them.” He said he trusted in the fact that the Minister would understand this crucial stage of financial reorganisation for the Islands. “It is the key to solving our economic problems and the trigger for future investment,” Bauza said.

The Balearic President said that it was only in April this year when the Islands, along with the region of Castilla La Mancha had the highest public deficit in the country.

Bauza said that despite the previous Balearic governmetn's assurances that the region was due 240 million euros from Central Government to boost the Islands' competitivity, the figure had not been included in the National budget.

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