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By Humphrey Carter
THE new six-lane stretch of the Palma to Inca motorway was opened yesterday by Jaume Matas and a delegation of local ministers and mayors.
Work on widening the Palma to Alcampo exit of the palma to Inca motorway began 11 months ago in an attempt to ease the flow of traffic along the extremely busy stretch of highway which also feeds the Son Fuster and Son Casteloo industrial estates. The six lanes, three in either direction, starts at the Inca exit from the Via Centura and narrows back down to four lanes at the Alcampo turn off.
Widening the 4.652 metre stretch of motorway took a total of 11-and-a-half months to complete at a cost of 10.106.477'54 euros.
However, after months of inconvenience, drivers, specially those who work on or use the industrial estates yesterday welcomed the unveiling of the six-lane highway. Access to both industrial estates has been greatly improved with the construction of two roundabouts and a new fly-over.
Over 3'000 plants and trees have also been planted along the new motorway.
Jaume Matas said that the project is further evidence of the Balearic government's comittment to improving the region's road network and improving road safety. But, while drivers will now find it easier to get to Inca, many more cannot wait until the Inca to Sa Pobla stretch of motorway is finally completed.
Work is in an advanced phase but is not expected to be completed until summer next year. The Inca to Sa Pobla road is one of the worst traffic bottle-necks during the busy summer months and, once the new stretch of motorway is one, will open up the north east of the island.
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