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Airports set new records

SPANISH airports handled 96.4 million passengers during the first six months of this year, some 7.9 percent more than during the same period last year, according to AENA (the Spanish Airports Authority).

They said that the number of flights had increased by 8.4 percent to 1.2 million. For its part, the freight traffic increased by 3.5 percent, with 303'914 tons.

During the month of June, the airports recorded 19.6 million passengers, some 8.5 percent more than during the same month in 2006, and handled around 227'354 flights, which was an increase of 8.8 percent.

With regard to cargo, more than 51'700 tons of freight were handled, some two percent more than last year.
Among the main airports for passenger traffic, Madrid headed the list in June with 4.5 million passengers, some 13.9 percent more than the previous year.

Madrid was followed by Barcelona with 3 million passengers, which was an increase of 9 percent in comparison to last year and then Palma airport with 2.7 million passengers which was 3.6 percent more, and Malaga with 1.3 million passengers (3.8 percent more).

Alicante was next with 901'807 passengers (2.9 percent more).

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