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Cash flow problems dog Arta train

Palma.—The problems of financing that the regional government is currently experiencing have meant that the development of the Majorcan railway services, and specifically the train line to Arta is going to have to be held in abeyance.

Although works on the Arta line have already started, construction companies have minimised their contribution to the project since the beginning of the year as they are not being paid for what they have already done.

Central Government had signed a financing agreement for the building of the line and other railway improvements to the tune of 443 million euros, of which just 140 million have been received.

This has meant that Majorcan Railway Services (SFM) are not in a position to put out a bid for public tender for the electrification of the Palma to Manacor train line, nor for the construction of the section of the track for the new tram-style train on its journey through the urban centre of Manacor.

The regional Transport ministry is therefore likely to propose the Arta train as an agenda item at the next full meeting of the Balearic government. Ministry representatives were admitting yesterday, however, that the lack of funding was dramatic, and that no transfer had been received from Central Government for two months. A spokesman for the previous Socialist government said that it would be “criminal” not to finish the Arta project after so many millions have been spent on it already.

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