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Death toll down since points system started

TWO people have died in road accidents in the Balearics in the first two weeks of July, when the new points system driving licence was introduced. The death toll in the same period last year was five, the traffic authorities said. The death toll on the islands'roads so far this year is 52, with 18 of the victims under the age of 30. The number of people injured was 44.
There were no fatal accidents in the Balearics over the weekend, although there were several incidents, including an accident in the busy Avenida Argentina yesterday. In the first two weeks, local drivers have lost 2'305 points in 724 serious or very serious offences, mainly for driving without a seat belt and driving 20 to 30kms above the speed limit. The traffic authorities said that nationwide, the death toll in the first two weeks of July was 135, which was 27 per cent less than the same period last year. Last weekend, there were 24 fatal accidents throughout the country, resulting in 19 deaths.

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