NEARLY 60 per cent of Majorca's traders believe that the sales, which started last Friday, got off to a good (48 per cent) or excellent (11 per cent) start, according to a survey conducted by the business association, Afedeco. A further 34 per cent said that the start had been normal, five per cent thought it had been poor, and just two per cent very poor.
Discounts are, on the whole, more than ten per cent, the survey says.
Twenty-nine per cent of the traders have slashed prices between ten and 20 per cent; 43 per cent by 20 to 30 per cent, and 17 per cent between 30 and 40 per cent. The remaining six per cent have dropped prices by more than 40 per cent, the report said. This year, the shops have fewer goods on offer, but the discounts are higher than they have been in recent years. The sales will continue for a further two months -or until stocks run out.
Traders satisfied with the first week of the sales