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We are in the grip of a ten-day heat wave

Palma.—It could be worse with temperatures reaching as high as 40ºC in some parts of the mainland, but the Balearic met. office issued a warning yesterday that we are in the grip of a heat wave which is going to last ten days with temperatures ranging from 28ºC to 34ºC.

Weather forecasters said yesterday that temperatures in the Balearics and the along the West coast of Spain will be ‘normal' for this time of year although there will be days when temperatures will spike.

Yesterday, the Civil Protection department issued a warning to the young, elderly and infirm to take extra precautions during the heat wave. We are all advised to keep well hydrated, wear light clothes, stay out of the mid day sun, avoid any excessive activity , as well as heavy meals and alcohol.

It is also recommended to keep shutters and curtains closed during the day to keep out the heat and the sun.

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