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WHAT'S ON: Today's top choice is dog training conference in english
By the Norweigan Anne Lill Kvam who is member of Pet Dog Trainers of Europe (PDTE) and director of the dog training centre Troll Hundeskole. Anne Lill Kvam started her dogwork in 1986 when she educated her own search & rescue dog in Norway. In 1995 she studied at the Turid Rugaas' Dog Trainer School, and from 1996 she worked full time with dogs. From 1997 – 2000 she stayed in Angola where she trained dogs to detect land mines and educated local dog handlers.

Info. At 8pm at Palma Aquarium C/Manuela de los Herreros i Sora 21 (Motorway Palma to Manacor exit 10). Info 902 702 902.

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