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Sand disappearing at Cala Barques in Pollensa


POLLENSA town council are going to ask the Coastal Demarcation committee to rehabilitate the Cala Barques following the recommendations made recently in a report by the Advanced Mediterranean Study Institute (Imedea). Said report is the result of an exhaustive study on the workings of the beach, the marine currents and sand deposits.
It concludes that if the beach at Cala Barques is not the object of an artificial sand regeneration process, then it will be highly difficult within the next 30 years to recup the 11 metres of sand which has been lost since 1955. The loss of sand of this beach is largely due to the amount of significant storms which have hampered this coastline in past years.
In fact, in normal circumstances these type of storms would only happen once every twenty years.
It will now been down to a Pollensa town council plenary meeting to decide if the project will definitely go-ahead.
11 metres lost since
1955 FIRST, approval from the Coastal Demarcation Committe will be needed.
In any case, if work is to start, it looks as if it will not get started until next winter.
The study by Imedea shows that there is a erosive tendency at the beach of approxiamtely 3 metres every ten years.
Since 2002, the coastal line has withdrew by 6 metres and has lost a volume of 6.1 cubic metres of sand per metre.
The Pollensa town council meeting will be held this week and it is estimated that the municipal government team (the Majorcan Unionist party and the right wing party) have sufficient majority to approve this proposal. Although is it still not known how the other political groups will vote (the Socialist parties).

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