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New web page links residents & Council


Anew web page has been set up by Palma City Council, to bring local government and public facilities closer to residents, Eberhard Grosske, Social Welfare and Citizen Participation Councillor said yesterday.

The site,, is designed to provide information about how citizen participation is encouraged in Palma through social organisations and associations which embrace a large number of educational, cultural and sporting activities. The information includes the planning of popular festivals such as today's Eve of Sant Joan celebrations.

Grosske explained that over the past three years, the broadening scope for people to become actively involved in local affairs has increased significantly. The point has now been reached, he said, where it was now considered desirable - for those who wish to - to be able to network with each other on an internet site tailor-made for the purpose, and to thereby contribute to the variety, appeal and success of citizen activity.

Grosske claimed that one of the aims of the new website was to encourage participation in local events - and the enjoyment of them - amongst all people living in the neighbourhoods of Palma. There should be something for everyone, he said, adding that the organisation and planning should not be sidelined to just a few volunteers but should actively involve the wider community.

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