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Book about Majorca's immigrant communities published


MAJORCAN journalist Mateo Cladera last night presented the book he has written about the various different nationalities who live on the island.
Mallorca Global (Global Majorca) also includes a study carried out by the Balearic University Professor Pere Salva into the local immigrant communities and a forward written by the writer Joan Bauza.

The book is a compilation of a total of 100 articles written for the Bulletin stablemate newspaper Ultima Hora about the various different nationalities who live on the island, their new lives in Majorca and their traditional customs. However, Cladera explained that the only criteria was that the featured communities were no smaller than 30-members strong.

Last night's presentation was presided over by the Chairman of the Ultima Hora and Daily Bulletin publishing and media group, the Grup Serra, Pere A. Serra and attended by a host of leading local politicians including the Minister for Tourism, Miguel Nadal, President of the Council of Majorca, Francina Armengol, Central Government delegate, Ramon Socias and the Speaker of the Balearic Parliament, Maria Antonia Munar.

A Nigerian Gospel Choir opened the proceedings at the packed Teatro Municipal.

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