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New details of Islamic towers come to light


ARCHAEOLOGICAL excavations carried out last year on Palma's “Temple” dating from the period of Islamic rule, have revealed even further details of what has been until now, a little-studied era of the island's history.

Presenting the outcome of research yesterday in Can Weyler were Palma City Council's Culture Councillor, Nanda Ramon, archaeologist Llorenç Vila who conducted the excavation and Josep Massot of the Balearic Heritage Foundation, ARCA. Vila explained the new studies with 3-dimensional graphics. He said that further investigation and interpretation had enabled his team to map out the outline of the fortified structure from the start of its construction in the 12th century to what remains of it today.

Whilst the first two phases of the building of the Temple had been for defensive purposes, the third phase of its erection, said Vila, places it firmly within a Christian era. It is at this stage that what had previously been a fortress takes on a different aspect. Reform of the building he explained, will have to be done after detailed consultation with the Council of Majorca for both financial and legal purposes.

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