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CBE for British hotelier and top journalist

Palma.—Just a month after the Newsnight reporter was named ‘international journalist of the year' at the One World Media Awards, Sue Lloyd-Roberts, who when she is not championing human rights and risking her life in the world's hot spots, runs the Ca'n Reus boutique hotel, in Fornalutx, with her BBC producer/director husband Nick Guthrie, has been awarded the CBE (Commander of the Order of the British Empire) for services to journalism.

Sue has only just returned from Syria, where she was filming a documentary on the plight of the refugees for Newsnight and the BBC world news service.
Already MBE, Sue first reported from inside Syria, in April, of 2011 and has been monitoring developments ever since.
On her honour, she said: “I am very pleased that journalism has been celebrated in this way and that human rights is being recognised as having a genuine case out there.” But sadly, Sue has returned from Syria fearing the worst. “Of course it is time to intervene, in fact the time to intervene was 18 months ago - I fear that the West may have missed the window. “I think ever since we, especially the Americans, got their fingers burnt in Iraq, we're loathed the intervene anymore. “I know Britain has been saber rattling lately and Hague, has made some very robust statements but I still can not see what the West can do without intervening to be honest. “All this talk about chemical weapons, who cares what weapons are being used, over 80'000 people had been slaughtered by the time people starting mentioning chemical weapons. What is it going to take? The rebels have not been infiltrated by Al Qaeda, as much as some politicians are trying to make out. “What they need are weapons, they are trying to fight the Assad regime's Russian-equipped army, with home made weapons. “Friends of mine there have either disappeared or given up the fight. Assad's played a very good PR game but it's extremely disappointing being there and forced to watch the West do nothing, while millions suffer,” she told the Bulletin yesterday. “Why do you just film and do nothing?” one woman asked us on camera. A valid question.”

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