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Magalluf trader stabbed, police hunt Briton

SHORTLY before midnight on Tuesday, a Briton walked into a sportswear shop in calle Carabella in Magalluf, argued for reasons unknown with the Hindu trader and then allegedly made off with two T-shirts and 450 euros in cash after stabbing the victim twice - one in the shoulder and then in the abdomen.

The trader cried out for help and was initially treated at the medical centre in calle Galió and then in hospital where it was confirmed that neither of the stab wounds had resulted in damage to vital organs. The Guardia Civil immediately started investigations and a search for the attacker went on right through the night without success. The police were however, able to get a full description of the man which they claim will help speed up arrest. The victim speaks perfect English and was linguistically able to point to his attacker as being of British origin although it was unclear whether he was a visitor or resident on the Island. The shop where the incident had taken place, and where the victim worked in shifts with his wife, was well known by local security forces who regularly visited it to purchase sports shoes and other clothing. Coincidentally, security forces who were searching for the sports shop attacker over Tuesday night and Wednesday, were working alongside comrades who were on the trail of a rapist.

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