PALMA is one of the top cities to visit among people who book on the internet according to a study by Octopustravel, an internet travel agency.
The study found that some 65.5 percent of journeys booked by internet are to foreign countries, usually European countries less than two hours flight away, the most popular destinations being, in this order: Madrid, Barcelona, Rome, Paris, Lisbon, London, Seville, Milan, Amsterdam, Brussels, Palma and Valencia. As for the average profile for the user who contracts journeys on line, Octopustravel say that 82.7 percent are of middle to high class, aged between 30 and 40 years with access to the internet and credit cards. Some 96.3 percent of reservations are for two people who spend an average of three nights in their chosen destination, with an outlay of approximately 250 euros per reservation. Journeys are booked an average of 20 days in advance for domestic or European destinations, but for intercontinental destinations this period rises to 65 days.
Palma popular with people booking online