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Soller tunnel toll subsidies are 8 months overdue

Soller.—Around 6'500 people living in Soller who are registered as having the right to reimbursement on the charges they pay for using the Soller tunnel, are voicing concern about the fact that the usually punctual subsidies are now eight months overdue from the government.

Apparently no-one at all has got their money and the Works and Services department of the Council of Majorca which is responsible for administering the subsidy has not given any notification about the delay to Soller Council.

Clocking up
The granting of reimbursement of toll charges to residents in Soller and Fornalutx dates back to 2003. The government had promised in an agreement with the two town councils that residents who were eligible who had paid their toll fees would have their money reimbursed to them. Under the scheme, drivers are permitted to make up to 1'000 journeys a year through the tunnel.

Those eligible pay their tunnel fees through the use of a debit or credit card at the tunnel, clocking up the amount they pay in their current accounts. The government then pays the reimbursement direct into the user accounts.

But for the past eight months, no such undertaking has been received. There are those people who live in Soller who find that it only compensates them financially to work in Palma if their tunnel toll is paid.

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