THE Council of Majorca and tour operators specialising in the Russian tourist market said that 30'000 Russian visitors will come to the island in summer 2006. This is some 50 percent more than in summer last year, and is thanks to better air services, with more flights, the great efforts which have been made in the promotion of the island, and the help given by the Government in obtaining visas, said Francesc Buils, the councillor for the President's office. Buils is going to Moscow today to make a presentation tomorrow about Majorca as a tourist destination to around 100 travel agents. This is within the overall strategy for promoting to this market, started by the Council of Majorca in 2005. Their latest project is a Russian version of the website, which was presented yesterday. Also present were the councillor for Tourist Information, Josep Bestard, who explained that the site receives some 4'000 hits daily and said that the Council of Majorca has already participated in the Inturmarket and MITT fairs in March, both held in Moscow. The director of Sehrs Tourism, Felipe Perez, thanked the Council for their promotional efforts in this market and said that he hoped that this would be consolidated shortly and that it would reach to same levels as in Catalonia, where 80'000 Russian tourists go every year.
More Russian tourists on Majorca this summer