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Weekly Calvia update

W E have been bombarded, at the ‘International department', of late, with inquiries about the new EPC energy certificate. Some residents aren't too sure what it means, what to do, or how it may affect them. Once again, this is not actually a Calviá Town Hall initiative, but I will do my best to explain briefly our understanding of it. Basically, EPC means ‘Energy Performance Certificate'. If you are about to sell or rent out a property, you must be in possession of an EPC energy certificate. This means that you have had a qualified professional check out the premises, and subsequently issue the official document. It is really, not just applicable to Spain, I am told it has been in the U.K. for 4 years already. This is all about carbon emissions, saving energy, and generally being more environmentally friendly. If you are a landlord with an existing tenant, there is no need for you to get the certificate now. But if and when, the time comes for you to change tenants, then you will need to obtain a certificate prior to the contract being signed. Likewise, if you are selling a property, you will need to have the certificate prior to the sale. The deadline, is actually the first of June 2013, so forgive me for being sceptical, but how can people across the whole of Spain possibly all get the cert issued on time, it is rather a tight deadline to say the least. That said, it's my job to inform you, and so my advice to you is to source a qualified professional to do it for you, and then you are fully complying with the law. The cost is apparently anything from 175€ to several hundred euros, depending on the size of the property. It doesn't mean that you have to rush to get double glazing put in straight away, there is a grading system. A is for ‘top notch'good marks, and ‘G' being the less favourable. If you do, in time , take measures to improve energy saving, your grade can be changed. I know there will be more questions, such as what about holiday rentals ( not even going there ), and what happens if we don't get the EPC cert. The information that I have is that the applicable fines range from 3000€ to 600.000€, so my advice is to get the job done.

S OME time ago, I mentioned that the IFOC ( Institute of Training and Employment ) were introducing Co- Working Calviá. This is now up and running, with some places still available. If you are setting up in business, and do not want the hassle and cost of renting a full time, full scale office, IFOC Calviá can help. They have a scheme whereby you can rent out shared office space for part of a day/week/month. It's a great idea, and is very reasonable, which let's face it, money saving is an absolute bonus to any business owner, be it new or established businesses.

The great thing about this scheme, is that you will also be entitled to expert advice and assistance from the IFOC staff, you will be in a business environment with like minded people, and all of the running overheads, such as heating, electricity, internet etc. are included.

There is free access to the conference room too. Costs range from 50€ per month to 150€ per month, depending on the length of time that you sign up for. For more information, contact IFOC at or call 971 134613 between 9am and 2.30pm on weekdays
G REAT news for families with kiddies at school, that Calviá Town hall can once again, for 2013, offer financial assistance with the purchase of school text books. To qualify you must have been registered on the Padronal ( Town hall register) since at least January 2013, and the children must be in state school, primary or secondary education. The application period is from May 20th up until June 21st. There are of course terms and conditions and it is also linked to income and tax declarations. For more information check the Calvia website, contact Social Services or pop in and see Sally or Marta at the ‘International department' who can point you in the right direction.

Y OU may have noticed some rather funky and cool artwork, on walls in and around the municipality. No I'm not talking about graffiti here, but actual artwork which enhances the image of 7 actual buildings, such as Palmanova Service Centre, C'as Saboners apartments, C'as Saboners school, Es Generador, the Endesa caseta in Capdella, the Pavillion in Galatzó, and the IES Calvia. It's all part of an “ Urban art” project called BETART, which is aimed at “ bringing art to the street”. There are plans for more works of art to be developed, throughout the municipality, in 2013. I think it's all very ‘New York', and upbeat and I actually quite like it.

B ETWEEN this week and last week we held two “end of term” ceremonies. Our “Teatime chat” and “Spanish lessons for residents” courses, have both come to an end. They will, of course, be back in Autumn time, and we hope that more of you will join in the fun of learning and practising your language skills. Whilst the two concepts are very different, both have been very successful. “Tea time chat” is all about chatting over a glass of wine or a coffee, in an informal setting, just to practice what you already know and therefore become more fluent. “Spanish classes” are actually classroom sessions with a teacher, in which you learn basic or intermediate grammar. Whichever is your preferred style of learning, is available for you, in fact you can attend both ( some people do ) and enjoy the best of both worlds. What has been really lovely to see, on both occasions, are the friendships that have been built between people of different nationalities. Learning together for many, has not been just about the language, but a whole exchange of ideas, culture, traditions and lifestyles. The atmosphere was one of fun and laughter at both events. As students came forward to get their diplomas, there was much cheering and applause. We look forward to welcoming them back next Autumn and hope to see even more of you taking advantage of this popular activity. Our thanks too, go to the bars which hosted “Tea time chat”. Aroma ,El Toro, Harry's ,Portals, La Cartuja, Palmanova, and Steppes, Santa Ponsa. “Gracias a todos !” T ODAY Saturday, Balearic International College are holding their “ Walk for life” to raise funds for Cancer support. This is done in conjunction with Calanova Cancer Care and Krista Hyer's cancer support group. As from 10am you will see groups of adults and schoolchildren, taking the 5 kilometre walk, around the Magalluf area, in order to help others. Afterwards the school will be holding a fundraising event, this will be hosted by Laura Penn and the gang from Spectrum radio. I'm sure there will be fun and games. To join in, attend the event or offer support, you can get more information from Linda 629 632 051 or Angela 609 848 622. Hope to see you there! A ND just to finish off, a message to a special couple. “Dear Michelle and Gonzalo, I hope you have time to read this Bulletin message early in the morning, before your hectic day starts. Your wedding day has arrived !. Later today I will be very honoured to marry you, at a beautiful location, with your friends and families from different countries of Europe. It is going to be amazing, so enjoy every single moment. See you at the wedding, Congratulations ! much love from Angie”.

I absolutely love my job, Happy weekend ! Angie x
PS Next week I am focusing on the Residencia card..... it has NOT been forgotten.

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