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Flight punctuality is returning to “normal”


Palma.—Over recent weeks there have been growing complaints about flight delays at Spain's main airports but yesterday, the Ministry for Public Works, claimed that after last year's series of problems, flight punctuality is returning to “normal” and is “constant”.

The culmination of the volcanic ash cloud and the alleged walk out by air traffic controllers which brought the country to a standstill last December when Spanish air space had to be closed until the military took over, threw Spanish air traffic into disarray.

However, the Secretary of State for Transport, Isaias Taboas, said yesterday that flight punctuality has improved by ten points since Christmas and that, bar moments of major air congestion on busy transfer days, delays have and are being reduced to a minimum.

Although Taboas did admit that flight punctuality is not “100 percent”, but the Secretary of State was quick to underline that it is not at any airport in Europe.

But, last week, Spanish airlines met with the Secretary of State to air their concerns that unless the situation is significantly improved, there could be a further complications to air travel this summer in view of the increase in flight movements the country's main air traffic control towers and airports are going to be handling due to the increase in tourism.

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