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13 lives lost so far this year on Balearic roads


A TOTAL of 13 people have died so far this year on Balearic roads, one less than at the same date in 2009, the regional Traffic department reported yesterday.

The majority of accidents happened on Majorca where 10 lives were claimed, and the remaining three were killed on Ibiza and Formentera.
A spokesman said that of the 13 who have died in traffic accidents this year, 7 of them were wearing neither seat belts nor helmets. Seven of the victims were under 30 years of age and two were older than 65.

Seven of the dead were drivers, two were passengers, two pedestrians, and two cyclists. Only two of the victims were women.
Since the year 2000, 861 people have died in accidents on Balearic roads. Of this total, 630 were killed on Majorca, 156 on Ibiza and Formentera and 75 on Minorca. The highest number of deaths was recorded in 2001 (123) followed by 2000 with 113, and 2004 with 97 dead. During the whole of 2009, 40 people died in road tragedies, 32 percent less than in 2008 when 59 road users died.

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