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THE Mayor of Palma, Catalina Cirer, yesterday came under fire from Palma council opposition parties who claim they feel “cheated.” Opposition spokespersons Antoni Roig (PSOE socialists), Eberhard Grosske (United Left-Greens) and the PSM Majorcan Nationalist Party's Pere Muñoz all accused the mayor of having failed to have met a number of promises and been sufficiently “transparent” about her management of the city council. According to the three, Cirer has failed to hand over important documentation relating to a number of key issues such as the hiring of more people by the municipal water board EMAYA, the purchase of the Son Espases estate for the construction of the new hospital and the activities at the Megapark entertainment complex. Cirer was accused yesterday of trying to cover up the problems she can neither deal with nor resolve. “She is not only ignoring our rights as opposition parties, but also those of the public and the media to know whet is really going on in the council and their city.”

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