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10% of families are all on the dole

THE Institute for Family Policy in the Balearic Islands (IPFT) said yesterday that 10.7 percent of all homes in the region house families where all its members of working age are unemployed.

Analysing the results of a study on the percentage of the population which still has jobs, the IPFT reported that 87 percent of the subsidies which are provided by the regional Social Affairs ministry are allocated to non-governmental organistions (ONGs), and “only” 12 percent is given directly to familes which are living below the breadline.

The IPFT said that it believed the amount given to ONGs was excessive and that the sums conceded direct to families was “terribly low.” “We are talking about 16 million euros which could be used as direct aid to 10.7 percent of all families in the Balearics where all the members of the family who are of working age are unemployed, and 24.45 percent of families in the region where half of the employable members have no jobs,” said the Institute. The Institute wants to see a considerable rise in the sums which are made available to either of these two categories of underprivileged families.

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