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Art foundation marks Soller fair with works by Miró and Ramis


THE Soller Railway and the “Art Train” Foundation will be celebrating Soller's May Fair this year by exhibiting the works of artists who have ties to the area.

One is Catalan artist Joan Miró who spent many years living on Majorca and who was last year named an adoptive son of Soller. The other is Juli Ramis who was born in the Soller valley in 1909. The works of both these men will be on show during the May festival which is one of major importance for people who live in the Soller valley. The exhibition and a homage to both artists will be presented during the afternoon of this coming 8th May.

Reproductions of a collection of drawings which were created by Miró when he was 12-years-old will “decorate” the carriages of the emblematic Soller train. The six drawings are entitled Castell: Palma de Mallorca; La Llotja; Molinar, Molins de venit i cases; Palma de Mallorca, Platja amb barques; Soller, Paisatge; Palma de Mallorca, and Castell de Bellver. All the works are dated 1906.

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