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Book lovers turn out in force

ALTHOUGH today is official Book Day, it was celebrated in many towns, including Palma, yesterday, with authors out in force to sign copies of their works, and people stopping to browse or buy at one of the many stalls set out in the streets. April 23, for Spaniards, is the day on which Cervantes died in 1616, and many bookshops give prominence to his works. For the British, it is the day on which Shakespeare died in the same year. It also happens to be the feast of St George, the patron saint of England and of Catalonia, where the tradition is to exchange gifts of a book and a rose. Hence the number of stalls which were giving away a single rose with each purchase yesterday. The Palma city council laid on entertainment for children in Plaza Cort, outside city hall, yesterday morning.
There were storytellers and puppet shows, and draws for books.
The education authorities also give away sets of books to schools, and this year, the theme was Mozart, commemorating the 250th anniversary of his birth. Many local publishing firms launched new books on the occasion, as it is estimated that sales on Book Day account for ten per cent of annual sales.
Among the most popular books were the latest Harry Potter for children, and historian Ian Gibson's new biography of poet Antonio Machado for the studious. For those who missed out yesterday, Manacor and Alcudia will be holding their Book Days today.

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