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Three seriously injured in accidents in Palma & Palmanyola


THREE people were seriously injured and eight vehicles involved in two separate accidents in Palma and Palmanyola, Emergency services reported yesterday.

The accident in which the most serious injuries were sustained happened at about 3pm on the Soller road at the Palmanyola junction in the municipality of Bunyola.

For reasons still being investigated, two cars crashed head on leaving a 38-year-old woman and her 9-year-old son with multiple injuries. Both were taken immediately to hospital but are expected to recover. At almost the same time, just 500 metres away, a pile-up involving as many as five vehicles occurred.

Both accidents were attended by paramedics, a rapid response emergency vehicle (VIR), Local Police from Bunyola and officers from the Traffic department of the Guardia Civil who cordoned off the area and kept vehicles moving. Statements were taken from witnesses.

There were also a number of other less serious collisions elsewhere on the island yesterday due to the intense rainfall.
Major delays were caused in Palma when a drainage pipe burst in an area where two car accidents had occurred close by and almost at the same time as one another.

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