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More buses between Palma & Arenal

THE municipal bus service (EMT) is upping the numbers servicing its route 25 which runs directly along the motorway between Palma and Arenal.
As of today, there will be eight vehicles doing the journey instead of five. The increase will mean that a No. 25 will run every 10 minutes instead of every 13. A statement by the company confirmed yesterday that every five minutes there will be a bus running from Palma to Arenal and in the reverse direction, whether it be a No. 25 or a No. 15. The fuller service will also mean that passengers will be able to interconnect with the No. 30 route (Sant Joan de Deu) running from Can Pastilla into Palma and back, and the No. 23 which services s'Arenal-Aqua City and a separate branch to Cala Blava. All timetable improvements across the eastern side of Palma will step up connections with Plaza España in the centre of the city.

In numerical terms, the No. 25 route carries 7'500 passengers every day; the No. 15, 17'000; No. 23, 3'400 and the No. 30, 3'500. The alternatives offered between Palma and Arenal will mean that the No. 15, formerly known as the “Arenal Express” need not now be so crowded, resulting in increased passenger comfort. The Playa de Palma bus links are the most important for the municipal service, carrying more than 11 million passengers a year.

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