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Miró exhibition takes Moscow by storm

Palma.—The Joan Miró. Imagery exhibition will feature some 200 works from the Pilar and Joan Miró Foundation here in Palma where the Catalan artist spent most of his life until he died on the island.

Objects of art from the Foundation include a mix of paintings, sculpture, ceramics and illustrations. The exhibit, which also includes photographs and documentary films, will also include a mockup of Miró's studio and will remain open until June 10. “The exhibition has been very well mounted and is generating a lot of excitement and the feedback we have already received is very good,” said Elvira Camara, Director of the Pilar and Joan Miró Foundation in Palma who has been on hand in Moscow overseeing the setting up of the exhibition.

The exhibition has the full support of Palma City Council which is committed to making the most of Miró´s potential to promote cultural tourism.
Thus, the exhibition “will be one of the main events” of a spring festival being held in Moscow and also be the first time Russians will be able to enjoy a major exhibition of the works of Miró. “The Spanish Embassy in Russia has also been working hard to get everything well organised,“ added Camara.
Yesterday's special presentation was attended by a host of dignitaries from Moscow and Palma and the evening ended with a cocktail party laid on by the Grup Serra media organisation which publishes the Majorca Daily Bulletin.

The exhibition is expected to generate some 90'000 euros for the Foundation, that is apparently what the museum has paid for the rights to exhibit the objects of art.

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