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By Wendy Peters
CAROL Ledbrook from Milton Keynes embarked on quite an adventure yesterday morning when she hitched a lift with Webb's International Removals back to the UK.

Carol, who travelled to Majorca to attend her daughter Louise's wedding to Webb's employee Jon Barratt, told the Bulletin; “the wedding had to be cancelled because Jon's parent's were stranded in England along with his friends and family due to the volcanic dust shutting down the airports. “I was stranded here and began to panic because I couldn't get back to the UK; I'm meant to be starting a cruise from Southampton around the Mediterranean on Saturday to celebrate my sixtieth birthday.” Hearing of Carol's problem Bill Webb came to her rescue, the jovial boss explained; “basically Jon's part of the family - one of our clan, so I was able to make a special dispensation to allow Carol to get to her cruise on time, she's a foster carer and this is her only opportunity to take a much needed holiday.” Carol's mode of transport is nothing if not impressive.
Bill describes it thus; “I call it the mobile mortgage because it cost a fortune, about 85'000 quid… another four payments and it's ours; if you went to Mercedes Benz and asked them for the best truck they make this would be it, it has air conditioning, fridges and two bunks,” he laughs as he adds, “which is just as well on this occasion.” Pointing to the number plate, he says, “All our British registered vehicles have personalised number plates, starting with W then BBS, so if you look at them fast it says ‘Webbs', Sonny my driver is a retired police officer, his number plate is W999BBS; so Carol's actually going to be in good hands.” Carol a self confessed nervous passenger was all smiles despite her reservations; “I'm the world's worst passenger; I hate motorways…hate everything about being on the road. “I'm known for being unadventurous, but it will be an experience even though I'm travelling into the unknown.” It certainly will. Sonny who makes the trip every week to the depot in Ramsgate outlined the route. “We'll take the ferry to Barcelona, then a forty five minute break in Montpellier, after that just north of Lyon we'll stop overnight, well early morning, then up to Dijon; a break in Rheims for forty five minutes and finally up to Calais and the ferry to Dover. I've arranged to have a car waiting to take Carol home… It's door to door service.” Carol is grateful to be heading home at last, “I count myself very lucky that my daughter and her fiancé have such wonderful friends. Everyone has been fantastic in these exceptional circumstances.” The final word goes to Jon or Pooky as he is affectionately known. As he helped his not yet mother-in- law into the truck, he said; “Carol's been staying with me, so I'm glad to get my flat back to myself, but it won't be quite so tidy until her next visit.” Hopefully that will be next month when the wedding will finally take place.

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