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Palma cyclists confused by laws

Palma.—Palma Local police are cracking down on cyclists that fail to comply with the traffic laws. Fines of up to 120 euros are being handed out per infraction which includes listening to music with headphones, not having a bell, headlight or rear safety lights. Cyclists are complaining that the laws are not explained clearly enough.

The moto “not knowing the law is not an excuse” is being taken to the extreme by the authorities when there is no precise information either on the Palma city council or the Local police websites.

One of the most common faults has been listening to music while cycling, one of the rules that fails to be mentioned in the council's manifesto.
And if that could be considered common sense then laws pointing out that the use of a helmet when driving through the city is not necessary destroys that theory.

Bicycle users also seem to be developing a sense of injustice towards skateboarders and users of rollerblades who they feel present a greater hazard for pedestrians but get away with it.

Infractors can avoid the fines by enrolling in awareness courses that can be done at the Cuartel Son Fernando in Avenida Son Fernado. The course lasts around two hours and is available for cyclists with no previous offenses including car or motorbike.

Other laws that cyclists should be aware of include, riding along the road should no cycle lane be available - sidewalks are strictly forbidden- and when riding in parks or other pedestrian areas not to exceed the speed limit (meaning the speed of pedestrian traffic).

For more information on what consists an infraction and how to enrol in the course contact the Ajuntament de Palma website.

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