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Flipped lorry causes chaos

Palma.—A lorry driver was injured yesterday when his vehicle flipped over near the Son Hugo exit to the Inca motorway.
The accident happened just after 7.30 am and caused lengthy tail backs.
According to traffic police sources, the driver of the lorry apparently lost control of his vehicle which flipped over on to its side, trapping the driver inside the cabin.

A number of drivers stopped and began calling the emergency centre and within minutes teams of paramedics and police units were at the scene as the rush hour traffic jams continued to build up.

The driver was finally cut free from the cabin and taken to hospital in a stable condition.
One lane of traffic was closed off by the Guardia Civil highway patrol so that a giant crane could be brought in to right the lorry and then tow it away.

Traffic police had had to deal with another accident an hour earlier when a vehicle crashed into a tree on the Coll den Rebassa roundabout.
The car, which was full of young people, was seriously damaged but fortunately none of the occupants were badly hurt.

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