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Manchester date for operation British tourists

By Humphrey Carter

THE Balearic tourist industry is gearing up for its biggest single promotional event ever in Britain next weekend.
Between May 1 and 4, the Balearics is going to literally take over Albert Square in the centre of Manchester as it looks to breathe some new life into Balearic holiday sales in Britain.

The 700'000-euro promotional event was yesterday presented by the Tourism Minister, Miguel Nadal, the Director General for Tourism Promotions, Joan Sastre, and the head of Ibatur, Susanna Sciacovelli and Nadal claimed that the “Manchester discovers the Balearics” event is being held at just the right moment.

The region witnessed a sharp decline in bookings from Britain during the first two months of the year but over the past few weeks, interest in Balearic holidays has grown and travel agents and tour operators are all reporting a steady increase in sales. “Britons are booking their holidays much later every year and some 50 percent are booking independently on line,” said Nadal. “So, with most Britons about to make a final decision about their summer holiday, the Balearics is going to be launching this campaign at just the right time,” he added.

The four-day event is going to be very similar to those which have already been staged in Madrid and Berlin and, according to Nadal, proved “extremely successful”.

The emphasis is very much on the region's culture and customs; the famous Minorca horses will be giving an equestrian display, Balearic giants and musicians will take to the streets of Manchester and the city will also be treated to one of the special “correfoc” fire runs.

There will be a number of tents providing information about the various different activities the Balearics offers from family holidays to hiking, cycling, golf, climbing, kite surfing, sailing and diving while there will also be gastronomic displays and tastings. “Manchester is an ideal location. It's Britain's third largest city with a population of 600'000 and a catchment area of over 1.5 million people,” said Nadal. “And we're going to give many of those people the chance to experience what the Balearics has got to offer on their door step. If they like what they see, then they can come and visit us,” he added.

Over 250 people are involved with staging the Manchester event which has been months in the planning. It will also coincide with a blanket advertising campaign fronted by Majorca's world number one tennis player Rafael Nadal on British radio and television. The latest figures to have come out of Britain point to a significant rise in demand for Majorcan holidays from young people while the traditionally late booking market for Ibiza has come to life.

The only island which continues to worry the tourism authorities is Minorca where the British market is said to be down by 22 percent on this time last year.

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