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Youth survey result - nearly half binge drink regularly

One of the most significant results of a poll among young people was that some 48 percent of them confirmed that they attend “binge drinking” sessions every week. This was just one of the results of a poll taken by the Youth Red Cross among attendees of the “mass binge drinking” session on April 8 in the Paseo Maritimo (approximately 7'500) which was published yesterday by they deputy mayor of the Sports and Youth department, Rafel Duran. Also, 75 percent of those questioned said that afterwards they went to pubs or clubs. Among this last group of young people some 41 percent said that they carried on drinking alcohol in these places. Some 23 percent of those questioned also admitted to taking other drugs, and 37 percent confirmed that they also smoked.
Something else to take into account is that some 24 percent of the attendees on April 8 taking part in these polls were minors, although the conclusion cannot be drawn from this figure that one in every four young people who attend every “binge drinking” session is a minor. Palma council is planning between 400 and 500 polls during April among young people who habitually attend “binge drinking” sessions. The results of these polls, and phone polls taken among 800 to 1'000 adults, will enable the Youth Information Centre (CIJ) to prepare a study of this phenomenon in Palma. The conclusions of this study will be presented in May at the Youth and Sports Fair.
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