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Holidays for new EU members

PRESIDENT of the Majorcan Tourist Board, Miquel Vicens, affirmed yesterday that the 10 new member states of the European Union which will be “sworn in” by its Parliament on 1 May this year, “will be beneficial to the Spanish tourist sector in general, and in particular to the Balearics”. Vicens, who heads up the non-profit-making organisation made up of management bodies from airline companies, tour operators, travel agencies, hotels and catering industries, explained that Spain will quite simply have “a great many more potential clients”. He described the enlargement of the European Union as “very important, above all in the medium and long term”. The new member states are to be: Estonia, Letonia, Lithuania, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Cyprus and Malta. “The inhabitants of these countries will have more buying power when they receive subsidies from the European Union, and as such, will have a greater choice of where to spend their holidays. Options within the member states will of course be Spain, and the Balearics”, said Vicens.

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